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I Finally Joined The ExpressLRS Gang :-)
(10-Mar-2022, 10:21 PM)V-22 Wrote: As far as ELRS targets are concerned, V1 is STM32 based while V2 is ESP32 based. I don't know what the STM32 version used for a screen, but I guess it wasn't OLED. Obviously the best way to verify this is by removing the cover and seeing whether it has a STM32 or ESP32 MCU.

It seems like there are also multiple revisions of the V2/OLED hardware then, with some using RP-SMA and others using SMA. Again, easy enough to visually confirm or swap out the u.fl cable, but no way to tell just by looking at the case. I will just advise users to confirm their module and antenna are both SMA or both RP-SMA if they are having range issues.

I have an ESP32 MCU in mine so it's definitely a second generation module. There is also a second U.FL connector in the middle of the board with nothing plugged onto it. Do you happen to know what that is for? The SMA pigtail is plugged onto into a U.FL connector on top of the board.

EDIT: Also, do you know if there is any way to identify the ExpressLRS firmware version that is already flashed to the module? I will obviously be flashing the latest 2.3.0 version to it but I am curious to know what version the module came pre-flashed with from the factory before I do that.
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(10-Mar-2022, 10:25 PM)SnowLeopardFPV Wrote: EDIT: Also, do you know if there is any way to identify the ExpressLRS firmware version that is already flashed to the module? I will obviously be flashing the latest 2.3.0 version to it but I am curious to know what version the module came pre-flashed with from the factory before I do that.

You can check the ELRS version via lua script or by connecting to the WiFi update page for the module.
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(11-Mar-2022, 12:19 AM)V-22 Wrote: You can check the ELRS version via lua script or by connecting to the WiFi update page for the module.

Thanks. I've found it now. I didn't realise that line at the bottom of the main menu when running the LUA script was the version number because mine just says "menu-oled-joy" with a gap and then "f23e60" which I thought was something to do with the module itself and not the ExpressLRS firmware, but I now realise this is the ELRS firmware version information along with the build hash. So it looks like mine is currently running a custom build. I don't see that build in GitHub so maybe it is one that Namimno compiled themselves.

I'm not sure yet if I will need to move my X9D+ SE to EdgeTX so I can make use of OneBit and/or if I will need to replace the 10K R82 resistor on the mainboard with a 1K resistor as per the ExpressLRS article HERE, but the LUA script is loading just fine (and fast) so maybe I've got lucky. I guess I won't know for sure until it's bound to a receiver and I can see if there is any instability at high packet rates or if I keep getting the telemetry lost warnings.
(11-Mar-2022, 12:43 AM)SnowLeopardFPV Wrote: Thanks. I've found it now. I didn't realise that line at the bottom of the main menu when running the LUA script was the version number because mine just says "menu-oled-joy" with a gap and then "f23e60" which I thought was something to do with the module itself and not the ExpressLRS firmware, but I now realise this is the ELRS firmware version information along with the build hash. So it looks like mine is currently running a custom build. I don't see that build in GitHub so maybe it is one that Namimno compiled themselves.

I'm not sure yet if I will need to move my X9D+ SE to EdgeTX so I can make use of OneBit and/or if I will need to replace the 10K R82 resistor on the mainboard with a 1K resistor as per the ExpressLRS article HERE, but the LUA script is loading just fine (and fast) so maybe I've got lucky. I guess I won't know for sure until it's bound to a receiver and I can see if there is any instability at high packet rates or if I keep getting the telemetry lost warnings.

You won't be able to run 500Hz mode stably at 115200 baud, but if you're ok with 250Hz that should be fine. No reason not to switch to EdgeTX at this point though Smile

I asked one of the devs about the second u.fl on the Namimno TX and they said it was for an optional external WiFi antenna for the ESP32. The internal PCB antenna should be sufficient for all normal tasks (eg firmware update), however.
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I'm not fussed about a high packet rate TBH. I've been running 150Hz / 50Hz packet rates on Crossfire with no impact on my ability to fly my quads so I don't feel that I will need 500Hz. I have a greyscale screen radio with no touch screen capabilities so I'm not sure if there are many benefits of moving to EdgeTX right now if I don't need the OneBit feature. So I think I'll probably hold off for a few more releases of EdgeTX before I jump ship from OpenTX, unless there is something in it that I specifically need when using ExpressLRS.
Wow. Trying to flash this module with the latest ExpressLRS firmware has turned out to be a right royal PITA. I can now see what people have been saying about the whole process being clunky and not beginner friendly. I've spend a good couple of hours trying to flash using the UART method (via a USB cable) which I thought would be the simplest option but it just isn't working. After a successful compilation I just get an ESP32 timeout error as shown below:-

Linking .pio\build\NamimnoRC_FLASH_2400_OLED_TX_via_UART\firmware.elf
Retrieving maximum program size .pio\build\NamimnoRC_FLASH_2400_OLED_TX_via_UART\firmware.elf
Checking size .pio\build\NamimnoRC_FLASH_2400_OLED_TX_via_UART\firmware.elf
Advanced Memory Usage is available via "PlatformIO Home > Project Inspect"
RAM:   [==        ]  17.7% (used 57988 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [======    ]  59.7% (used 1172985 bytes from 1966080 bytes)
Building .pio\build\NamimnoRC_FLASH_2400_OLED_TX_via_UART\firmware.bin
esptool.py v3.1
Merged 1 ELF section
Configuring upload protocol...
AVAILABLE: esp-prog, espota, esptool, iot-bus-jtag, jlink, minimodule, olimex-arm-usb-ocd, olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h, olimex-arm-usb-tiny-h, olimex-jtag-tiny, tumpa
CURRENT: upload_protocol = esptool
Looking for upload port...
Auto-detected: COM9
Uploading .pio\build\NamimnoRC_FLASH_2400_OLED_TX_via_UART\firmware.bin
esptool.py v3.1
Serial port COM9

A fatal error occurred: Failed to connect to ESP32: Timed out waiting for packet header
*** [upload] Error 2
========================= [FAILED] Took 282.89 seconds =========================

Environment                            Status    Duration
-------------------------------------  --------  ------------
NamimnoRC_FLASH_2400_OLED_TX_via_UART  FAILED    00:04:42.891
==================== 1 failed, 0 succeeded in 00:04:42.891 ====================

I finally reverted to firing up my laptop and trying the WiFi flashing method, and after a few failed attempts it eventually worked. So at least the module is now on ELRS 2.3.0, but even on that latest version I still can't (re)flash firmware via the USB interface. At the moment I have no idea why but I've already wasted far too much time and frustration on this today so I'm going to leave it for now and come back to it later before I end up throwing it out the window.
After taking a break and revisiting the problem, I now seem to have figured out what the issue is (was) when trying to flash ExpressLRS firmware to my Namimno Flash 2.4G OLED TX via USB. I decided to try flashing firmware via on of the USB ports on my laptop and it completed successfully. I then went back to my desktop computer and tried the same but it failed again. I decided to try a different USB port on my desktop and to my surprise the flash completed successfully.

After some experimentation and a process of elimination I've discovered that if using any of the USB 3.0 ports on my desktop then connection to the ESP32 MCU over USB will fail. It only works successfully from the USB 2.0 ports on my desktop. The USB ports on my laptop are all USB 3.1 and those all work fine too. The USB 3.0 ports on my desktop work fine for flashing STM32 hardware and also my DJI FPV Goggles with no issues, so the problem seems to be something to do with a combination of the USB 3.0 controller on my desktop and the CH340 based USB chip in the Namimno. All my USB related device drivers are up-to-date so I have no idea exactly what the cause of the issue is. I used the same USB-C cable for all of my testing. It just means that I will need to use the USB 2.0 ports when flashing the Namimno from my desktop, or just do the flashing over WiFi which seems the easiest option now that the ELRS firmware has been configured to connect to my WiFi router.

So, if anyone else experiences the same issue flashing ELRS firmware over USB then it may be down to an problem with the USB controller on your machine in conjunction with the type of USB chip in the module itself.
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Good to know about the possible USB port incompatibility, I don't think I've seen anyone with that particular issue before.

What error did you receive when trying WiFi flashing initially? As long as you have recent hardware that shipped with ELRS v2, WiFi flashing is definitely the way to go. Just power it on, connect to the WiFi network it creates, and flash. And once you add your home WiFi info, it's even easier.

Did updating your receivers go more smoothly?
I generally use a desktop for day to day stuff which has a cabled network connection with no native WiFi capabilities, so without the Namimno module having been configured with my router SSID credentials which can only be done by (re)flashing firmware to it, updating the firmware via USB seemed to be the obvious way to get things going. In hindsight I should have just fired up my laptop and performed the update using the WiFi module of my laptop and the Namimno module's built in WiFi access point. Doing that would certainly have saved me a few hours of wasted time and frustration. Now that the firmware in the module is configured with my router SSID credentials, doing future updates should be a doddle going forward.

The WiFi flashing issue I was getting was timeouts / disconnections, but it eventually completed successfully.

It would be a nice feature if you were able to configure the router SSID and password via the LUA script like you can with Crossfire without the need to (re)flash firmware in order to set of change those configuration values. In fact it would be nice if all of the configurable Device Option settings in the ExpressLRS Configurator could be adjusted / changed at runtime via the LUA script rather than having to recompile and re-flash firmware every time if you want to make a change to any of those settings. I'm not really sure why settings have to be actually be compiled into the firmware. They should all be changeable on-the-fly at runtime IMO.

When you have to go through some of these frustrations and compromises it makes you realise (and appreciate) how spoiled people who use Crossfire or Tracer are (which includes me).

I haven't updated any of the receivers yet. That will be a job for the weekend Smile

EDIT: Is there a recommended telemetry ratio for a packet rate of 250Hz?
1:32 or 1:64 should be plenty at 250Hz. General rule of thumb is three telemetry packets per second, but you can get by with less.

OpenTX is expecting at least 1 update per sensor per second, so as long as your ratio is high enough to provide that you should be fine. You can also disable some telemetry sensors in Betaflight if you're not going to be using them to save some telemetry bandwidth (eg roll, pitch, yaw).
[-] The following 3 users Like V-22's post:
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One of the Namimno Flash nano ELRS receivers is now successfully flashed to ExpressLRS 2.3.0 and bound to my module. After all the frustrations I went through with flashing the module, flashing and binding the receiver turned out to be a doddle and couldn't have been any easier. I hooked it up to a 5V PSU and just did it using the receiver WiFi Access Point connection from my laptop.  I've configured it with my WiFi router SSID credentials so going forward I will be able to flash any new firmware over WiFi from my desktop instead of having to use the laptop. Now I just need to get the receiver installed in my Phantom Smile

Thanks for the info on the telemetry ratio. I will start with one of the two ratios you've specified and then tweak things as required once I've had a chance to do some test flights.
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It takes one back to the learning phase again Smile

I have had good experience across the board with ELRS and it sounds like you went through the same silliness that I did when updating the system. Once figured out…it turned out all of the complication was self induced.
SoCal Kaity :D
OMG, no one told me it would be this much fun!  Addicted :)
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I do still wish the firmware update procedure was as easy as it is with TBS Crossfire, but I guess it is what it is for now.

My other two spare Namimno ELRS receivers are now also updated to the 2.3.0 firmware version and configured to my home WiFi network. Now I know the procedure, those were both done in less than 10 minutes Smile

Mounting the T antenna to my GEPRC Phantom is proving to be a bit more of a challenge however. I want it coming off the back rather than zip-tied to one of the legs so it looks like I'm going to have to spend a bit of time designing and then 3D printing an appropriate mount for it. I had a look on Thingiverse but nothing suitable already exists so I will have to do any leg work myself.
So I now have my first ExpressLRS equipped quad. I've replaced the original factory fitted FrSky XM+ receiver on my GEPRC Phantom with one of the Namimno ExpressLRS Flash 2.4G ELRS Nano receivers which is flashed to the latest version of ExpressLRS (currently 2.40). Details and photos are in the link below. Everything seems to be working fine on the bench including full telemetry back to my transmitter which is a nice addition over the XM+. So now I just need to do a few flights to see how it performs Smile

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  • Lemonyleprosy
I have the HM EMRS2 micros in all of my rigs that are not Frsky (aka TH2). I love the fact that I can 3D print holders for these and even be able to mount them (no more sticky tape)

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