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Identifying old or unknown FCs and ESCs?

I've been in this hobby for a few years now and over the years I've accumulated a box with several dozen flight controllers and ESCs. This includes older models, cheap China clones and unknown brands that sometimes come with BNFs.
For most of them I was either smart enough to make a note about what it was, or for many of them you could find out what model/manufacturer it was from the labels on the PCB.
In the end, however, there were two or three FCs that I could not identify with the best will in the world. There is no indication anywhere on the PCB, nor can the autodetect in BF find a target and there doesn't seem to be a current target for these FCs either. (There are unified targets with slightly modified names like F4 instead of F405, but I want to be sure about that first)
Now finally to my question: Is there a “safe” method to identify the model/manufacturer of the FC? Are there any other indications of the manufacturer other than the firmware name onboard or the labeling on the PCB? Does anyone know of other tricks that could help? (unfortunately google image search doesn't work, maybe in a few years Wink )
I am grateful for any help
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(25-May-2024, 05:08 AM)Imp Wrote: Hi.

I've been in this hobby for a few years now and over the years I've accumulated a box with several dozen flight controllers and ESCs. This includes older models, cheap China clones and unknown brands that sometimes come with BNFs.
For most of them I was either smart enough to make a note about what it was, or for many of them you could find out what model/manufacturer it was from the labels on the PCB.
In the end, however, there were two or three FCs that I could not identify with the best will in the world. There is no indication anywhere on the PCB, nor can the autodetect in BF find a target and there doesn't seem to be a current target for these FCs either. (There are unified targets with slightly modified names like F4 instead of F405, but I want to be sure about that first)
Now finally to my question: Is there a “safe” method to identify the model/manufacturer of the FC? Are there any other indications of the manufacturer other than the firmware name onboard or the labeling on the PCB? Does anyone know of other tricks that could help? (unfortunately google image search doesn't work, maybe in a few years Wink )
I am grateful for any help

I am missing a gap of several years regarding hardware. So I don't know a lot.

However with the recent playing with FC I noticed something. If they are BetaFlight configurable it should be fairly simple. Connect to BetaFlight and do a file back up. The easiest is to do a dump on the CLI page. The board name should be on the first few lines.
If you type version in the CLI, it may give you some clues. But if it was a clone board, then there might not be much info there.

You could try a Google lens photo match, but that feels like a long shot.
Post some photos on here of both sides of the boards. Someone on here might recognise them.
(25-May-2024, 04:16 PM)FPVme Wrote: You could try a Google lens photo match, but that feels like a long shot.

Google Lens does this indeed pretty well, as long as it is something easy to recognice, like a betafpv or a speedybee FC...but as soon as the design gets little more generic you don't get any eaxact results. In case of my FC, Lens gives me 3 possible models in the top 3 results.
# version
# Betaflight / STM32F405 (S405) 4.5.0 Apr 30 2024 / 18:54:28 (c155f5830) MSP API: 1.46
# config rev: cdb9e49
# board: manufacturer_id: VGRC, board_name: VGOODRCF4

but since I've updated BF and downgraded and reupdated...this version info could just be wrong.

the manufacturer suggests that it could be an Eachine product. However, a Google search gives references to the FC of the old Tyro79 kit...which is unlikely since a) I never owned it and b) the kit is ancient, but the FC has a USB-C, which suggests a newer date.
I'm at a point where I can narrow it down to a few possibilities...but it could easily be any of them, I have no idea.
Here are two pictures, good luck.
[Image: ma3uaEOl.jpeg][Image: YK4ovhhl.jpeg]

I thank everybody for your help. esspecially thanks to you SnowLeopard. I never posted a Question in the forums here, where you were your post was not under the first 10 answers. and alway very valuable.

Your board seem manufactured by VGood, you might try this target. But definitely back up the dump file, and you can compare it with the new target.

It looks like a different revision of one of these boards

Seems you are right...what else could it be?
...that is clear from the product photos.
Now the second question for me (and you won't be able to help me with this) is how the heck did this thing end up in my electrical cabinet? The pads are all virgin, so it doesn't come from a BNF...and I'm hearing/seeing the company name VGood for the first time today. Well, it doesn’t matter where he comes from, a FC more is a nice thing.

I also think it's really cute that the product on the Flashhobby website is simply called "F405 stack flight controller"...they probably also don't know what exactly is behind the board.

(26-May-2024, 06:48 PM)Imp Wrote: >>Now the second question for me (and you won't be able to help me with this) is how the heck did this thing end up in my electrical cabinet? <<

Amnesia. Big Grin Tongue Big Grin Tongue Big Grin Tongue
A lot of FPV brands just relabel products, so the FC was most likely sold under some other name or none at all. I don't believe VGood markets any of their own products, but as you mentioned they also produced the board for the Eachine Tyro and seems Sologood or whatever other brand looking to rebrand their own budget FC.
But your photo shows what looks like an onboard wifi antenna, does it come with bluetooth or wifi connectivity?
(26-May-2024, 07:33 PM)mstc Wrote: A lot of FPV brands just relabel products, so the FC was most likely sold under some other name or none at all. I don't believe VGood markets any of their own products, but as you mentioned they also produced the board for the Eachine Tyro and seems Sologood or whatever other brand looking to rebrand their own budget FC.
But your photo shows what looks like an onboard wifi antenna, does it come with bluetooth or wifi connectivity?

it seems to have BT. At least it pops up in the speedybee app, but I always run into an errormessage when i try to connect

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